
July 30th, 2024

Protect Your Business from Phishing Threats: Latest Insights and Solutions from Hodeitek


Phish-Friendly Domain Registry Under Fire: How to Protect Your Business from Phishing Threats

In a recent update, KrebsOnSecurity reported on a “phish-friendly” domain registry that has been put on notice due to its excessive involvement in facilitating phishing scams. This news underscores the ongoing threat of phishing attacks and emphasizes the need for robust cybersecurity measures for businesses worldwide. Let’s delve deeper into the details of this situation, cross-reference with other sources, and explore how businesses can bolster their defenses against such threats.

The Growing Concern Around Phish-Friendly Domain Registries

Phishing has long been a prevalent cybersecurity threat, with attackers continuously developing sophisticated methods to deceive users and obtain sensitive information. Domain registries, particularly those with lax regulations and oversight, can inadvertently support these nefarious activities by allowing phishers to register domains easily. The recent spotlight on a particular registry by KrebsOnSecurity has heightened awareness about the critical role these entities play in either mitigating or exacerbating phishing risks.

Understanding Phishing and Its Impact

Phishing attacks often involve fraudulent emails or websites that mimic legitimate entities to trick individuals into divulging personal information, such as login credentials, credit card numbers, or other sensitive data. According to a Statista report, phishing attacks accounted for 36% of all reported data breaches in 2023, highlighting the significant impact these scams have on global cybersecurity.

Steps to Secure Your Business

To protect your business from phishing attacks, it’s crucial to implement comprehensive cybersecurity measures. Hodeitek offers a range of services designed to enhance your cybersecurity posture. Below, we explore key services and how they can help safeguard against phishing and other cyber threats.

1. EDR, XDR, and MDR

Our EDR, XDR, and MDR services provide advanced threat detection and response capabilities. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions monitor end-user devices to detect suspicious behavior indicative of phishing attacks. Extended Detection and Response (XDR) integrates data from multiple security products to provide a holistic view of threats across your network. Managed Detection and Response (MDR) offers continuous monitoring and response by cybersecurity experts.

2. Next Generation Firewall (NGFW)

A Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) provides enhanced security features beyond traditional firewalls, including application awareness and integrated intrusion protection. NGFWs help identify and block malicious traffic, reducing the risk of phishing and other cyber threats penetrating your network.

3. Vulnerability Management as a Service (VMaaS)

Vulnerability Management as a Service (VMaaS) focuses on identifying, assessing, and mitigating vulnerabilities within your IT environment. By proactively managing vulnerabilities, you can prevent attackers from exploiting weaknesses that could be used to launch phishing attacks.

4. SOC as a Service (SOCaaS) 24×7

Our SOC as a Service (SOCaaS) provides 24×7 security monitoring, incident response, and threat intelligence to defend against a wide array of cyber threats, including phishing. With continuous oversight, your organization can quickly detect and respond to suspicious activities.

5. Industrial SOC as a Service (SOCaaS) 24×7

Tailored for industrial environments, our Industrial SOC as a Service (SOCaaS) delivers specialized security monitoring for operational technology (OT) and industrial control systems (ICS), protecting critical infrastructure from cyber threats.

6. Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) involves collecting and analyzing information about current and emerging threats. By understanding the tactics, techniques, and procedures used by phishers, you can better prepare and defend your organization.

7. Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

With Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions, you can prevent sensitive data from being disclosed to unauthorized users. DLP tools monitor and control data flows to ensure that proprietary or confidential information does not fall into the wrong hands during a phishing attack.

8. Web Application Firewall (WAF)

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) protects your web applications by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic. This helps block malicious requests that could lead to phishing pages being hosted on your website.

The Role of Regulatory Bodies in Combating Phishing

As threats from phishing attacks continue to escalate, regulatory bodies worldwide are ramping up efforts to enforce more stringent guidelines and penalties for entities that facilitate these activities. The move to put phish-friendly domain registries on notice is a significant step towards creating a secure online environment.

Key Regulations and Standards

  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) – In the European Union, GDPR mandates strict data protection standards and requires businesses to implement reasonable security measures to protect personal data.
  • NIS Directive (Network and Information Systems Directive) – This directive aims to improve the cybersecurity capabilities of EU member states, requiring essential service operators and digital service providers to take appropriate security measures and report significant incidents.
  • PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) – For businesses handling card payments, PCI DSS provides a set of security standards to protect cardholder data from breaches and phishing scams.

Real-World Examples of Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks have targeted organizations across various sectors, causing substantial financial and reputational damage. For example, in 2023, a major UK energy company lost nearly £3 million to a sophisticated phishing scam that tricked employees into divulging corporate passwords. Such incidents highlight the critical need for comprehensive cybersecurity strategies.

Bolstering Your Defenses with Hodeitek

At Hodeitek, we understand the evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats and offer tailored solutions to protect your business from phishing and other cyber attacks. Our extensive range of services, including cybersecurity solutions, provide the defense-in-depth approach necessary to secure your organization’s digital assets.

Contact Us Today

Don’t wait until you become a victim of a phishing attack. Contact Hodeitek today to learn how our cybersecurity services can safeguard your business. Visit our contact page or call us directly to speak with a cybersecurity expert.


The increasing scrutiny on phish-friendly domain registries underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures for businesses. By leveraging Hodeitek’s comprehensive security solutions, including EDR, XDR, MDR, NGFW, VMaaS, SOCaaS, CTI, DLP, and WAF, you can effectively protect your organization from phishing and other cyber threats. Stay proactive, stay protected.

Explore our cybersecurity services and enhance your business’s resilience against cyber threats today!


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